Wecome to Holland Chatsworth Central School

Principal’s Message

Holland Chatsworth Central School is located south of Chatsworth on highway 10. Our school offers classes from JK to Grade 8.

A special welcome to those who are new to our school! We know that you will settle in quickly and we are happy to have you in the 'Hawks Nest'. Our school has approximately 300 students ranging from JK to Grade 8. Our teachers deliver high quality education in a warm and welcoming classroom environment. They also provide many extra-curricular activities for students to take part in, such as cross country running, basketball, volleyball, band, student leadership, flag football and soccer.

We take pride in academic excellence, inclusivity, celebrating diversity and demonstrating respect for ourselves and others. Our staff are creative problem solvers who approach each year with a strong toolkit to support our students to be safe and healthy, while engaging in their learning through the Ontario Curriculum.

Please feel free to call our Office Manager at 519-794-2729 ext. 521 if you have any further inquiries.

Have a wonderful school year!
Ms. T. Dinsmore

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