The foundation of our school code of conduct is RESPECT: for self, for others, for the environment. We expect students to accept responsibility for their learning, to do their best, to exercise self-discipline and to work with staff in maintaining a positive learning environment.
Everyone has certain rights and responsibilities as a member of our school:
1. I have the
right to learn in this school. It is my
responsibility to listen to instructions, work appropriately and to raise my hand if I have a question or concern.
2. I have a
right to hear and be heard. It is my
responsibility not to talk, shout or make loud noises when others are speaking.
3. I have a right to be
respected in this school. It is my
responsibility to treat others with respect including staff, students and guests, even if having a disagreement.
4. I have a
right to be safe in this school. It is my
responsibility not to threaten, kick, punch or physically harm anyone else
5. I have a
right to privacy and to my own personal space. It is my
responsibility to respect the personal property of others and to accept their right to privacy.
Guidelines for Solving a Conflict
- Take time to cool down
- Let each person tell his or her side of the problem
- Try to see the other person's point of view
- Act on your solutions
What to do if you do something wrong:
- Admit it - avoid blaming others or making excuses
- Apologize - saying you're sorry and meaning it helps clear the air
- Accept the consequences - as graciously as possible
- Learn from it - try not to make the same mistake twice